A stopover in Lyon : the adventures of the three storks

A stopover in Lyon : the adventures of the three storks

Auteur(s) Alexandra Horvath (Auteur), Stéphane Perraud (Auteur), Le Cil vert (Auteur (illustrateur))
Date de parution : 20/04/2021

Quatrième de couverture :

Following a mid-flight incident, three young storks find themselves unexpectedly having to stop over in Lyon. What was initially supposed to be their first solo migration quickly becomes a thrilling discovery of the city.

Packed with fun adventures and some very cool new friends. Join us in visiting the city of Lyon just as a child would experience it for the first time.

Disponible sous 7j
(sous réserve de confirmation)
21,50 €
Retrait en magasin
Livraison à domicile
Ean : 9782957696611
Format et Reliure : Livre
Pages : 140
Hauteur : 27.0 cm
Largeur : 21.0 cm
Epaisseur : 1.8 cm