Spooky celebrations around the world

Spooky celebrations around the world

Auteur(s) Matt Ralphs (Auteur)
Editeur(s) Phaidon
Date de parution : 08/11/2024
Collection(s) Jeunesse

Quatrième de couverture :

Which of these facts about spooky celebrations are true ?

  • Children throw soybeans at demons during Setsubun in Japan
  • Halloween was originally an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain
  • People feed hungry ghosts during Zhongyuan in China

The answer is, all of them !

Put on your costumes, grab a lantern and get ready to experience 21 frighteningly fascinating festivals that are celebrated around the world today.

Maybe along the way you'll discover that wandering souls, ghosts and spirits aren't so spooky after all.

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19,95 €
Retrait en magasin
Livraison à domicile
Ean : 9781838667719
Format et Reliure : Livre
Pages : 47
Hauteur : 33.0 cm
Largeur : 27.0 cm
Epaisseur : 1.2 cm