An outline of customs policy of the Democratic Republic of Congo : 2003-2010
An outline of customs policy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 2003-2010
An Outline of Customs Policy of the Democratic Republic of Congo presents in the easiest way what is meant by customs policy in general, its basics namely : objects, elements, sources, instruments, functions (...), regional and international frameworks. The author stresses on the customs policy progress from 2003 to 2010, which is a decisive period in the DRC customs management, through the implementation of 2003 customs reform and modernization programme. Some key issues concerning the future of the customs policy in the DRC are also discussed. It is therefore a valuable book inviting any curious reader about the basis of customs policy and the specific case of the DRC.
Jean-Paul Esamba Bokel'Ipoka is a Congolese (DRC) holder of an English and African Culture under graduate diploma, a degree in English (applied pedagogy) and an MA in Customs Policy and Customs Administration. Previously, Jean-Paul worked as teacher, customs « Vérificateur », Controller, Inspector and Deputy Director. Now, he is a Technical Attaché, Intelligence Analyst and Representative of the DRC Customs to the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Central Africa and Great Lakes in Douala (Cameroon). He is also a Commercial Attaché to the DRC Embassy in Yaoundé. Jean-Paul wrote a lot of articles related to customs and International trade.
(sous réserve de confirmation)
Largeur : 14.0 cm
Epaisseur : 0.9 cm