Home food : the art of Moroccan hospitality in Morocco
« Home Food, the art of Moroccan hospitality in Morocco » features the cuisine and home interiors of Morocco, these symbols of a society's deeply-rooted art of living and receiving that represent an incredible heritage. This book invites us to step inside private homes across this country of many faces, to share their worlds and sit at their tables. The table is set, the dishes are prepared in the family kitchen, the salon is readied to receive family and friends. With every turn of the page, this book offers a unique experience by opening houses of all kinds, from all the regions of Morocco.
Images, captured by the photographer Yoriyas, are beautiful snapshots of life's intimate moments, revealing the values of conviviality, sharing and solidarity that are essential to the culture and traditions of Morocco.
Popular cuisine, authenticity, and the art of living, sharing and conviviality are at the heart of this fine book.
(sous réserve de confirmation)
Largeur : 25.0 cm
Epaisseur : 2.6 cm